A band consisting of Seth Avett, Scott Avett, Bob Crawford,
Joe Kwon, and Jacob Edwards that deserve a genre of their own. With Scott’s
crazy improvisational banjo licks filling the openings between the poetic
lyrics and Seth’s inventive guitar rhythm they have truly earned their 2013
Grammy nomination for album of the year (The Carpenter).
Scott and Seth have played together every since they were
children and have made their musical evolution clear throughout their series of
seven albums and four EP’s that have an always changing style. From their first
EP (The Avett Bros.) in 2000 all the way to their most recent album (The
Carpenter) in 2012.
Their best album in my opinion would be Emotionalism which
consists of hits such as “Die Die Die”, “Paranoia in B-Flat Major” and “I Would
Be Sad” which is one of my personal
Their most
recent album The Carpenter is a close second, for my favorite Avett Brothers
albums. With songs like “The Once and Future Carpenter”, “Live and Die”, and
“Paul Newman vs. The Demons” which demonstrates their ability to lean more
towards the rock spectrum of music.
Songs such as “Paranoia in B-Flat”, and “Live and Die” are
prime examples of Scott’s crazy improvisational banjo playing style which seem
to have no order or pattern throughout it but couldn’t fit any better
Paranoia in B flat:
Live and Die:
If you are familiar with reading guitar, banjo, bass or any
other form of tablature follow the link below to see for yourself the wild
banjo picking used in Live and Die: